Interventional Approaches

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There is an increased need for non-invasive and non-pharmacological treatments for chronic musculoskeletal pain. Informed by our research investigations of biobehavioral and psychosocial protective factors, our research focuses on strategies with potential to optimize pain treatments and to increase the learning and memory of health promoting experiences.

Associated Publications:

Conscious connected breathing with breath retention intervention in adults with chronic low back pain: protocol for a randomized controlled pilot study. PMID: 36694217

Pain relief for osteoarthritis through combined treatment (PROACT): Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation combined with transcranial direct current stimulation in non-Hispanic black and white adults with knee osteoarthritis. PMID: 32992020

Intermittent Fasting: Potential Utility in the Treatment of Chronic Pain Across the Clinical Spectrum Full Article

Blood Flow Restriction Exercise to Attenuate Postoperative Loss of Function After Total Knee Replacement: a Randomized Pilot Study. PMID: 34459574

Optimizing Chronic Pain Treatment with Enhanced Neuroplastic Responsiveness: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Full Article

Increasing Neuroplasticity to Bolster Chronic Pain Treatment: A Role for Intermittent Fasting and Glucose Administration? PMID: 26848123

Omega-6:Omega-3 Ratio, Pain, Functioning, and Distress in Adults with Knee Pain. PMID: 28542024