Interventional Approaches

computerized brain graphic

There is an increased need for non-invasive and non-pharmacological treatments for chronic musculoskeletal pain. Our research focuses on explaining individual differences in treatment response and identifying strategies to bolster individual health status and optimize pain treatments.

Associated Publications:

Conscious connected breathing with breath retention intervention in adults with chronic low back pain: protocol for a randomized controlled pilot study. PMID: 36694217

Pain relief for osteoarthritis through combined treatment (PROACT): Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation combined with transcranial direct current stimulation in non-Hispanic black and white adults with knee osteoarthritis. PMID: 32992020

Intermittent Fasting: Potential Utility in the Treatment of Chronic Pain Across the Clinical Spectrum Full Article

Blood Flow Restriction Exercise to Attenuate Postoperative Loss of Function After Total Knee Replacement: a Randomized Pilot Study. PMID: 34459574

Optimizing Chronic Pain Treatment with Enhanced Neuroplastic Responsiveness: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Full Article

Increasing Neuroplasticity to Bolster Chronic Pain Treatment: A Role for Intermittent Fasting and Glucose Administration? PMID: 26848123

Omega-6:Omega-3 Ratio, Pain, Functioning, and Distress in Adults with Knee Pain. PMID: 28542024