Posts tagged as

Chronic Pain

New Publication in Nutrients

Associations between Vitamin D, Omega 6: Omega 3 Ratio, and Biomarkers of Aging in Individuals Living with and without Chronic Pain Akemi Wijayabahu, PhD January 6, 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Akemi Wijayabahu and co-authors on their recent publication in the Nutrients Journal. The full article is available here: Nutrients…

Sambuco Publication in Journal of Pain

Vulnerable Dispositional Traits and Chronic Pain: Predisposing but not Predetermining Nicola Sambuco, PhD December 6, 2021: Congratulations to Dr. Nicola Sambuco and co-authors on their recent publication in the Journal of Pain. The full article is available here: Vulnerable Dispositional Traits and Chronic Pain: Predisposing but not Predetermining –…

Journal of Pain Article

Chronic Pain Severity and Sociodemographics: An Evaluation of the Neurobiological Interface August 18, 2021: Congratulations to Dr. Tanner and the co-author team on the recent acceptance of their manuscript in the Journal of Pain. Read the full article.

About Us

Our scientific pursuits are specific to investigating the interactive influences of biological, psychosocial, cognitive, and behavioral factors associated with chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions with an emphasis on stress, aging, health disparities, and resilience.  Goals Our goals are to contribute to the scientific and medical communities in six specific areas: 1) Improve…